Saturday, March 5, 2011


3 things i learned...

1. How democracy came about in Great Britain and France.
2. The nineteenth-century progress brought about most of the inventions and ideas that still are in use and pratical in our life today.
3. Imperialism changed africa with mostly negative effects.

2 things i found interesting... 

1. That Africa before imperialism had groups speaking over 1,000 different languages.
2. The germ theory was discovered during the nineteenth- century progress which we still depend upon today.

1 question...

1. What would have happened if imperialism never took place, what would our world be like today?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gandhi Quote

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. "
Mohandas Gandhi
I think this quote means that everybody has sacrificed something for someone else that it's a never ending chain reaction, ending in the result of the whole world being "blind" My opinion is that if we were to sacrifice our eye for someone who has for us it's very true that we would all be blind, being that everyone has someones back at least one time in their life.

Suez Canal

The Suez Canal Today

The canal is owned and operated all by Suez Canal Authority, controlled by the Arab Republic of Egypt.In 2007, 18,193 ships passed through the Suez Canal. This canal provides a shortcut for ships traveling between both European and American ports and ports located in southern Asia, eastern Africa, and Oceania. This canal is really important to the U.S. because it's the traveling route of gas to our country, without this we would be paying approximately a dollar to a dollar and fifty cents for gas.

Uprising in European Colony

Magic Water Rebellion

The German ruled colony, East Africa, was highly focused on for their supply of cotton, which was their high cash crop. The workers in this area started taking care of their own food eventually instead of the cotton crops, this being their rebellion. These people believed they had magic water, which was the cause of this rebellion. However these Africans were shot down by Germany. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How an empire can control a colony

One way an empire could control a colony...
This form of imperialism is when the colony has its own internal government, which is under the control of an outside power.
An example of a protectorate controlled colony would be Britain's protectorate over the Niger River Delta, which the photograph above represents.

Why imperialism helped and hurt the world

Why imperialism helped the world...

1. Provide the lands to European nations for industrializing.
2. Colonizing of the lands of Africa
3. It helped reduce local warfare in Africa, through colonial rule.

Why imperialism hurt the world...

1. It created the idea of racism, having the Europeans believe that they were better then and superior to others.
2. Africans suffered from a breakdown of their traditional cultures.
3. The social theory Social Darwinism came about, when "survival of the fittest" were applied to social change.