Monday, February 28, 2011

Advancement in Science

The Germ Theory of Disease

Devoloped by the French chemist Louis Pasteur in the mid-1800s, is the theory that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases.

This changed the world greatly by minimizing the spread of diseases, and introducing the medical world to the concept of viruses.

Edison invention

The Electric Light Bulb

1st practical electric light bulb invented by Edison in 1879

 Produced by this light bulb is a incandescent, electric light.

This affected the common person because the idea of electirc lighting was already out there, but not a form for practical home use. This light was practical, safe, and economical for the simple lighting for a household providing the common people of this era now with electric lighting!



Chapter 10 & 11

The Age of  Progress & Imperialism

Reforms were brought by the age of progress along with many new luxuries and inventions. Meanwhile Europe is spreading to Africa and Asia. Imperialism will then go into effect, bringing Europe's control to the unindustrialized.

What i want to accomplish in this blog is a more clear understanding to the progress made then, in that era, and what changes were made across all those contients that impacted the world we live in today.